Chinese Drywall Remediation | Florida

Chinese Drywall Remediation | Florida

Defective Drywall

ABF is able to detect and identify Chinese drywall contaminants using a process developed to measure impurities in pharmaceutical products at half the cost. ABF utilizes advanced Chinese drywall testing techniques endorsed by the scientific community.

Defective Drywall and Its Contaminants and Impurities

From 2004 to 2006 builders ran short on drywall supplies and began importing inexpensive, low quality drywall from China. Knauf is a common import manufacturer of this drywall. Unfortunately, many contaminants and impurities are embedded in the gypsum (hydrated calcium sulfate) matrix including iron disulfide (FeS2 pyrite), sulfur dioxide (SO2), carbon disulfide (C2S), carbonyl sulfide and hydrogen sulfide (H2S).

When the defective drywall off-gases in high humidity environments, then offensive, sewer gas-like odors may be present. Furthermore, corrosion of copper and silver materials related to the HVAC system, electrical wires, switches and brakers, jewelry and applicances is possible causing premature failures and shortened product life expectancies. In humans, respiratory ailments, headaches, nose bleeds, tightness of the chest and dry eyes are common symptoms.

Estimates suggest that 35,000 homes in Florida and over 100,000 homes nationally have been compromised by this drywall.

Traditional sampling approaches are very expensive ranging from $600-$1800 per sample. Air testing is rarely effective. ABF is able to detect and identify Chinese drywall contaminants using a process developed to measure impurities in pharmaceutical products at 50% the cost.

Make sure the investigator you hired is a Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH) otherwise the level of training, professionalism and expertise will be in question. ABF is able to provide suitable recommendations to reduce exposures and increase your comfort.